Thursday, April 8, 2010

He Can Whisper Hope into My Heart

I am feeling every little flutter and fluctuation in my body down there these day and get so hopeful this might be the month. Don't want to get ahead of myself. It becomes a one-more-week-wait tomorrow!

I was reading the passage about God showing Elijah his power and then passing by him with a "gentle whisper" (I Kings 19). I was reading this the other day at work. On the drive home, I had this sense that if God can speak to Elijah like that, He can whisper hope into my heart. (Also, hoping he has whispered a little one into being in me.)

Wanting to be hopeful, but at other moments, afraid to hope too much.
Need to try and trust.
~ Patiently Waiting


  1. Oh, I understand! And I hope God whispers hope in your heart no matter if it's this month or later. But hoping & praying with you that this is the time! I have a hard time hoping sometimes too, but I feel that God would want me to live in hope, no matter what disappointment may still lie ahead.
