Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, I had thought things were moving along quickly with this IUI, but it's slowed up now. I'm waiting for my estrogen to get high enough. Follicle and all else seems good though. Soon....soon!

My husband and I have both realized that we did not give enough credit to the hormones I've been taking. They totally mess me up!!! I have a meltdown and cry about anything and everything, no matter how stupid or small. I am definately not myself. It will be a relief when this round is over. I'm not sure how long I can handle this IF stuff. It is overwhelming. Thankfully the IUI will be before I head back to work full-time. I am hopeful, yet also afraid to be hopeful.

I have joined a forum that I know some of you know about, Hannah's Prayer. It has been a huge encouragement already to be connecting with others walking the same types of path we're on. It has been an answer to prayer.

I've started back to work part-time. It feels like it is going slowly (the hormones don't help). It does feel good to be a professional again though. Guess that means I'm ready to go back.

I've started doing a 365 days of photographs challenge. I'm taking a pic a day (well, more than one, but choosing the best one) and posting it on a blog I started. I'm almost a week in and it is great! The other day at work, I just couldn't wait to get home and take my pics for the day. It's something creative that will bring me hope and health. It's my creative side that gets swept under the rug with the stress of work. Besides simply nurturing my creative side, it will also improve my photography skills. I'm shooting my second offical wedding this summer. Got to keep learning! :)


  1. I feel like the shots make me more emotional too! And I completely understand being afraid to hope. I'll be praying for you! Your photo blog sounds like a great idea. And you photograph weddings, wow!

    Oh, and the Moments for Couples devotional that I mentioned on my blog can be bought off Ginger Garrett's website. I'm really enjoying it. I thought it was a good price on her site and she signs it: http://www.gingergarrett.com/books/moments.php
