Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Announcement Out of the Blue

Regarding the planned visit mentioned in my last post. Despite the fact I didn't think I could deal, I ended up saying I would go meet her. It turned out that there was too much snow so she didn't think we could meet up. There you go, all of that stressing about it for nothing.
Yesterday morning I was briefly online and a friend started chatting with me. She ends up telling me she is pregnant again. Their first child is just over 1 year old. Of course this upset me. I was expecting another announcement today from someone else, which never really came out in the open. So this is announcement #3 within about one month. I can't take this anymore. I really can't.
We heard a talk about conflict's place in our lives. It's there. Life isn't going to be easy. I've just hoped too much and can't let myself hope anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, I have also dealt with many friends becoming pregnant over and over without any planning or difficulty. It is so hard when you feel like you should be happy for someone and it really breaks your heart :(

    I'm thinking about you and hope things start coming together for you soon.
