Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pat on the Back for Me

I didn't mention in the last post that I went to the naturopath the other day. I thought it would just be an info. gathering and giving session, but I had my first accupuncture session! Eeekkk! It's supposed to help relieve stress, but I'm not sure it's going to.
There I was laying there, eyes tightly shut, afraid to see the needles sticking out of me. Afraid I might panic if I did. I did eventually see them. She put the first one between my eyes, which did not help relieve my stress then in my ears (those were the worst) and my head and then everywhere else. The 12 minutes she left me in the room alone for felt the longest 12 minutes of my life! Then she came in to twist them.
It's hard not to panic when all you can think about is the needles stuck in you and then there is lame soothing music playing in the background and you're super uncomforable on a hard doctor's table, but afraid to move too much in case you hit the needles.
Anyhow, I survived. I know logically it wasn't that bad pain wise or anything. It is in my head, I know. I shall consider long and hard whether to keep going with this. I was mostly excited about the advice about what to eat and what to avoid to improve the problems she saw (the energy in my kidneys - I guess they basically had no pulse). Who knows?!?
I may psych myself up for one more try in order to hear her advice about food and herbs, etc.
It was a pretty big step for me. I hadn't even been sure walking into that appointment that I'd even do accupuncture at all, PERIOD!, and somehow I got up on that table!
Pat on the back for me. :)


  1. Great job! The thought of those needles completely freaks me out! Glad to hear it wasn't all that bad.

  2. nice work! wow i didn't get needles on my head!!!! go you! i totally understand the trying-to-be-still part and trying not to look or viaualise the needles sticking out etc. part cos' that was totally me too- kept having to make myself stay calm and still. and yes i had the lame music playing too haha. but somehow i got used to it...
    anyway. hope it helps somehow!!
